About Me

- NSW, Australia
- I'm made it past 50! married for over half my life, have 3 kids all grown and I'm loving this part of my life.I was a nurse in my younger days but an unhealthy dose of rheumatoid arthritis put a damper on my career,so I'm at home with the internet.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
29 question meme
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday Blather
Sleepy quiet weekend as usual. The weather is starting to warm up a little, and not using the fire much. There could possibly be still frost but I'm never up that early to notice.

I tried giving her a driving lesson in the bubble car, but with size 11 feet, she could not feel any give in the accelerator at all,so this time it will be shoes off and use your toes. Both the brake and accelerator pedal were under the one foot, so we ended up in the bushes .

Thursday, August 18, 2011
my life in food
I'm on roll now haha!!

The first solid food ,if you could call it that ,that I remember is Weetbix with hot milk ,soaked and sprinkled with sugar. I had this most mornings,or toast and honey until I left home at 18. My kids had the same .Today I don't like it at all, but the smell always brings back memories of mum.

Most nights in our house were meat with 2 veg. The meat was either sausages, steak, lamb chops, hot dog frankfurts or smoked cod boiled dry. The veges were always mashed potato, and either peas or beans, occasional broad beans(yuk) sometimes carrots, brocolli or coulliflower.EVERY NIGHT!!! We had to eat everything on the plate and mum was not the best or organised cook, so if she thought she forgot to salt the spuds or veg, she would do it again.

Desert was always tinned fruit and vanilla ice cream.....if we(me and my 2 younger sisters) had eaten all our dinner.

There was always fruit in season. My dad grew up in an Italian fruit shop and so we always had plenty of fruits.

Porridge! My mums dad, my Pop ,came to stay with us, and taught us to make porridge.It was a real production to get it how he liked it, apparantly a fuel stove is best. He served it with brown sugar. I hated it at the time,it looked icky and gruel like ,as in oliver: "please sir can I have some more" .Funnily enough I quite like it in winter now.

Crostoli, My nonna used to make the pastry biscuit, lay it out on the table and cut it into strips then plait it together, it would be deep fried and then a syrup and fine sugar sprinkled on it. YUM.
always always, she would have an enamel tub full of hard red jelly, that made that suction sound from the spoon when she dished it out....sigh.... and a big scoop of vanilla icecream that never seemed big enough.

KFC came early in the 70's too and it was a treat for us for a birthday or visitors. Here is the ad that introduced Australia to KFC

Late in the 70's mum got creative, and every sunday would make curried prawns and boiled rice. We could eat this in the loungeroom, a huge treat, while watching the Muppets, and Tom and Jerry.Dad loved these shows.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
My life in shoes

In highschool we were allowed to wear the shorter ones,though the uniform notes stated long socks were compulsory.There was much debate and argument from many an 11 yr old girl and their mother over this. Most of us wore the long ones and changed into the short ones 4 houses away from home. We were not walking the gauntlet in those long ones. I wasn't getting my head flushed for wearing the wrong socks! Oh! the endless scary stories about highschool that were bandied about to terrify us on the first day.

In 3rd form onwards in summer we were allowed to wear these Jc's which we all loved, they were so comfy.

79-81 I wore high heels mostly. Hell I used to walk 1.3km to the station every morning and back in the evening in these things, catch trains, buses, walk everywhere. It's a wonder I can stand straight today.

81-95 Nursing shoes, went through a few of these ,mine were navy blue, teamed with those stockings they advertised for the air hosties.

And I found a pair of boots, that were comfy, wore them everywhere, no heel but at least they were comfy and not joggers.

Luckily today ,thanks to new medication, I can wear nice shoes again. They have to be mid heel and a chunky heel, no stillettos for me, sadly.

Monday, August 1, 2011
Estee Lauder Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator review

I haven't really included product reviews in my blog, but I am impressed with this product and would like to share.
I was lucky to be chosen by Younger You website to test the new Estee Lauder’s Even Skintone Illuminator before the product launch in Australia.
1. Triple-Optic Technology provides skin with a brighter, more luminous look from the very first application.
2. CorrectTone Technology visibly reduces uneven skintone in 2 weeks, while anti-oxidants help prevent its re-appearance.
Imagine skin so incredibly clear, even-toned and radiant, you have nothing to hide. Proven gentle and effective for all ethnicities.
With those claims I was skeptical but excited to try it
As you all know I have Rhuematoid Arthritis. My skin was looking pretty rough ,puffy, tired and uneven,small white patches from old skin infections ,darker patches and with big dark circles under my eyes. I also have been plagued over the last few months with a very large area of exma starting from under my nostrils to the side of my nose and mouth, it was flaring and lumpy, itchy every few days, would recede but leave me a bright strawberry mark and then flare again.Horrid.Hence why no photos of me here.....Yes I'm vain....even with you guys...
The product arrived beautifully packaged in an Estee Lauder bag and the bottle is elegant and exxy looking.,I love the aqua colour with the gold.
It is easy to pump,doesn't give you too much,so no waste .It applies well, feels like silk and glides on easily and absorbs immediately. No greasy afterfeel at all.
I had quicker results than the other ladies who left reviews on facebook . Within a few days my skin was feeling smoother, like a babys bum . I think its a brilliant moisturiser as well as illuminator and I stopped using my normal moisturiser.Within the first week the excema seemed to settle. I didn’t expect that the excema would dissapear but it has reduced significantly. I still have a small patch in the crease beside my nose, but the rest is gone. Can’t thank Estee Lauder enough for that one!!! I had been using an antimflamatory cream and an antibiotic cream to no avail.
It is 3 weeks into the trial now , my dark circles under my eyes have gone , my daughters and husband have noticed this and that my skin looks softer and smoother. The little white scarring is gone, my skin looks more even .
I look forward to continued improvement, ahhh if only it could get rid of freckles LOL but seriously, my skin looks and feels better overall everyday.
I am extremely happily extatic with the product and my only complaint is the cost.At $150 for the larger bottle,I'm povo, on a disability pension,it's just beyond my means. I’m using it as sparingly as I can.
Fingers crossed Estee Lauder may notice my review and send me another bottle