About Me

- NSW, Australia
- I'm made it past 50! married for over half my life, have 3 kids all grown and I'm loving this part of my life.I was a nurse in my younger days but an unhealthy dose of rheumatoid arthritis put a damper on my career,so I'm at home with the internet.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A digger in the family
Now that Danny is in the army we have taken an interest in past family members and their war service.I was stumped for a graduation present and Danny expressed an interest in any medals , so for a graduation present we are having replicas of his great grandfathers medals made so he can wear them on ANZAC day and other formal army occasions.
Daintree Edwin Trevo De Vere was my husbands grandfather,b 1889-d 1970 this is a bit of history of the units and battles he was involved in. I don’t have any photos of him, only some of the units.
The New South Wales Irish Rifles were formed during the unpaid military volunteer movement which swept NSW in 1895.
The Sydney Irish community(funny we all thought he was french!!seriously,it was thought the family had french origins,they were circus people and now it appears the name is a non de plume) held meetings and formed a separate Irish corps. The NSW Irish Rifles, was always an entirely unpaid volunteer force, and ceased to exist when the Australian Army was reorganised in 1912.
Daintree’s record states he was in the Irish rifles for 3 years,Australian 1yr and a half. His service number was 477, but when he reenlisted after returning from New Guinea, his number was changed to 1920.
He was definately a part of the AN&MEF.
Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force
The AN&MEFwas formed on 6 August 1914 to capture the German New Guinea's capital.It was separate from the Australian Imperial Force and was the first combined Australian Navy and Army expeditionary force of voluntary enlisted men ever to leave Australia , with its own ships, under the command of Australian officers.
Daintree joined the expiditairy on 11 Aug 1914.
It comprised one battalion of infantry , 1,000 men enlisted in Sydney—known as the 1st Battalion, AN&MEF+ 500 naval reservists and ex-sailors .The objectives were the German stations at Yap in the Caroline Islands, Nauru and at Rabaul, New Britain.
TWO WEEKS after enlisting.......On 19th aug 1914 the expeditionary force of 1500 men embarked on the troop ship Berrima and stopped at Palm Island for training and acclimatisationon.
On 11th September the Australian fleet entered the harbour of Rabaul, while the troops disembarked some few miles away at Kokopo and Kabakaul, to capture the wireless station at Bitapaka, where they met resistance from German forces. The total Geman force consisted of 51 reservists and some partly trained white settlers, plus 240 trained natives.
The actual location of the wireless station was,thought to be some miles south of Kabakaul, but information was provided and the troops proceeded along a jungle track where they encountered mines laid across the track, and trenches from which they were fired on.
Able Seaman William G V Williams was killed .An Australian Army Medical Corps Doctor, Captain Brian C.A Pockley,,gave his Red Cross arm band (which signified that he was a non-combatant) to the stretcher party conveying Williams. A short while later he was himself killed by rifle fire.
As the troops advanced along the thick jungle track towards the wireless station some five miles inland from the stone wharf, four more Australians were shot dead. German dead were estimated to be one officer and 30 native troops.
Three days later, Australia's first submarine, AE1, disappeared near the adjacent Duke of York Islands, with the loss of a crew of 35, and has never been found. After the battle for the radio station the fighting was over. The Germans were out numbered,they could not be resupplied and so they surrendered. The australian men went on to garrison duty. Some returned to Australia, joined the AIF itself and went on to Gallipolli.
Daintree spent 6 months there and returned to Australia on the 19 feb 1915.He was discharged on 4 march 1915 ,reenlisted next day in the AIF .. 3rd reinfts 18th batt ....... .
He was only 4ft 4 and a half!!! He was a 26yr old horsman who had married at 21 in 1910 , Les's grandmother was born 1911, but the couple had separated by 1912 and his mother raised the child.
His record says he embarked from Australia on 9/8/1915 other records state they left earlier but he disembarked at Gallipolli Penisnsula with the 18th Battalion on 20/8/1915.His signup term was for “war and 4 months”
The 18th Battalion was raised at Liverpool in New South Wales in March 1915 as part of the 5th Brigade. It left Australia in early May, trained in Egypt from mid-June until mid-August, and on 20 August landed at ANZAC Cove.The battalion had not been ashore a day when it was committed to the last operation of the August Offensive - the attack on Hill 60 - which lasted until 29 August and cost it 50 PER CENT casualties. For the rest of the campaign the 18th played a purely defensive role, being primarily responsible for holding Courtney’s Post.
Daintrees record shows that while at Courneys Post on 20/11/16 :CRIME..conduct prejudicial to military discipline and good order by failing to obey a command given by NCO in the course of his duty.
written after this is AWARD 7 days fatigue by Capt R.M Sadler. 7 days off doesn’t sound like punishment!Maybe he was at the end of his tether? or maybe it means they relieved him of 7 days pay?
The last members of the battalion left Gallipoli on 20 December.
After further training in Egypt, the 18th Battalion proceeded to France. Landing there on 25 March 1916.
2 months later Daintree became ill with influenza and was at the 7th Australian Field ambos on the 20/5/1916 then sent to the 2nd div rest station for a week before returning to the unit.
It took part in its first major battle at Pozières between 25 July and 5 August. The battalion returned to the Pozières trenches for a second time in late August. After a spell in a quieter sector of the front in Belgium, the 2nd Division including the 5th Brigade, came south again in October. The 18th Battalion was spared from having to mount an attack across the quagmire that the Somme battlefield had become, but did have to continue manning the front through a very bleak winter.After another winter of trench duty, the spring of 1918 brought a major German offensive that the 18th Battalion helped to repel. With this last desperate offensive turned back, the Allied armies turned to the offensive and the 18th participated in the battles that pushed the German Army ever closer to defeat: Amiens on 8 August, the legendary attack on Mont St Quentin on 31 August, and the forcing of the Beaurevoir Line around Montbrehain on 3 October.
He was appointed Driver on 3/8/1917 and injured on 25/10/1917.He had a compound fracture of the right tibula and fibula(lower leg) and was transferred between various field hospitals in France until he got to London then then was on furlo for a month until he had to march in and he returned to Australia on 10/4/18. He was discharged medically unfit on 26/7/18.
Casualties of the 33rd Batt:1060 killed, 2453 wounded (including gassed)
Daintree received the1914/15 star #43/1229/2542 after New Guinea, and the The British War Medal and the Victory Medal at the end of the war.

Friday, June 24, 2011
He's in the Army now
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday evening chit chat
ahhh thank goodness thats over.I hate moving, even if its someone else moving.Gemma and Aaron, moved to the next town over,where they both work. On Saturday morning we turned up and Aarons' mum was there with a station wagon and a tiny tiny trailer. A friend had been asked to help with a ute and trailer,but there is always the worry that people say Yes, but something comes up on the day.So ,after some mild(ok almost tears) panic, he arrived and we knocked most of it over in the morning. There was a 2nd trip for some heavy things,then filling 3 cars with bits and pieces on Sunday and then last minute crap today,mostly stuff they don't want and are selling. Handed the key in,glad to see the back of this house. It was only cheap, but nasty. She only took the place because the one she was in was zoned commercial and she had to move,and this was literally the only house available. In the bedroom where the walls met,you could see outside, there was a man sized hole in the plaster work. It was filthy. She got about 8 weeks free rent to pay for paint and plaster to make it livable. It was never nice though and depressing. The new place is older as most of the homes are in our country area, but nice.....and clean.

We(me) forgot to organise electricity though,so they've had a couple of romantic nights with candlelight,an open fire and a campstove. One to go, it will be on tomorrow.

arrrgh, I have the flu, the kids were coughing and spluttering all weekend and passed it on to us.But I'm not sick enough for any sympathy,just tired and a cough.Just whiny.

The last few weeks have gone very fast with Danny's Marching Out Parade coming up, but now it's the final week...it's draaaaging. On Friday we head off too Kapooka in Wagga Wagga to see Danny graduate from Army training.He enlisted back on the 5th April, its been a hectic and exhausting 81 days for him,and while he says he is really happy he did it, he will be glad when it's over.It's his 20th Birthday today.On Friday I'll be bursting with pride and probably cry, combined with the arms out charging hug, he won't know what hit him.

We(me) forgot to organise electricity though,so they've had a couple of romantic nights with candlelight,an open fire and a campstove. One to go, it will be on tomorrow.

arrrgh, I have the flu, the kids were coughing and spluttering all weekend and passed it on to us.But I'm not sick enough for any sympathy,just tired and a cough.Just whiny.

The last few weeks have gone very fast with Danny's Marching Out Parade coming up, but now it's the final week...it's draaaaging. On Friday we head off too Kapooka in Wagga Wagga to see Danny graduate from Army training.He enlisted back on the 5th April, its been a hectic and exhausting 81 days for him,and while he says he is really happy he did it, he will be glad when it's over.It's his 20th Birthday today.On Friday I'll be bursting with pride and probably cry, combined with the arms out charging hug, he won't know what hit him.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
RemembeRED - Affection

Affection, we all need it, some are huggier than others.

I had one uncle that HURT, he would latch on and not let go,all the while talking in Italian that I did not understand.

In my family we have always kissed hello and goodbye. I have Italian family,so it was a kiss on each cheek and one on the lips.......oh and the cheek pinching.

I had one uncle that HURT, he would latch on and not let go,all the while talking in Italian that I did not understand.
My kids were very affectionate when little and even now my middle daughter is still very huggy.
My youngest though he just about runs if he sees my arms out. He's all geeerrroff. For my birthday last year he was broke,so said "Mum for your birthday you can have a hug or I can make you some cocktails"( He had been teaching bar service and cocktails and had all the gear)
I said "hmmm let me think...hug?, grog?, hug?, grog? mmm I'll have the hug" He replies " Hug ...ohhh can't I make the cocktails?"

..........He got this mother drunk!!!
All 3 are very affectionate with their partners which is a bit iccky but sweet. It's nice that they are so relaxed around us . Funnily enough I've spent years hiding anything but the most chaste affection from them, the proverbial shhh, the kids will hear, see etc
When I was a small child,my 2 sisters and I would be put to bed for mandatory "rest" on Sunday afternoons. We were told to sleep and not allowed to come out for threats of no dessert or some other treat,so mum and dad could have a sleep. Now I'm a parent, I'm pretty sure, us kids were the only ones doing any sleeping.

I've come across some different kinds of hugging
limp one armed hug... they either don't know you or don't like you.
squish the life out of you hug....you've been missed
the rubbing of the bits hug......creepy but he/she likes you...a lot
the won't let go hug.....annoying and sometimes combined with the squish or the creepy rubbing
patting on the back hug.....usually between men, it's the "I'm not gay hug" Can also be a bereavement hug though when there are not words for the loss.
open arms and charging toward you hug........there is no getting out of this one
standing in front of you moving forward waiting for you to hug first hug.......creepy and annoying

Friday, June 10, 2011
five question friday

This weeks 5 questions are:
1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now?
Close, I always wanted to be married and have children,so those boxes are ticked. I finished school in 1979. Careers for girls weren't a given back then, and unless your parents were academics, it was just assumed that you wouldn't go to uni. I had the impression from school and life at that time that jobs for women were only until you had kids and then went back to work to "help" save money to put in a pool or buy a new car.The cost of living rises from the late 80's changed that attitude.I wanted to be a hairdresser and did some training but became a nurse a couple of years later.I seem to remember wanting to be a teacher when I was about 10.I liked the idea of being bossy.

2. What is one must have item for the summer?
I would die without it I'm sure. I'm ok till the humidity hits or its over 32 degrees celcius,then I flick the switch. Hubby switches it off to save dollars.I'm sure people have killed for less.When I was a kid we had one desk fan between 5 of us and my dad turned it off to save electricity,we prayed for the southerly buster to cool us down while we tried to sleep,constantly turning the pillow for the brief cool touch on our faces.
3. Do you have your kids stay up on school stuff during summer vacation? (Or, if you don't have kiddos, did your parents make you keep up on school stuff during summer?)no school holidays were for fun,though I did keep them reading, but that was for enjoyment as well as practice.
When I was a kid,my dad left a list of chores to be done,I don't think he liked us leaving the house.
4. Do you can or freeze fresh produce?
no, too lazy,though once I canned peaches,made plum jam and have used the "ezysauce" to make tomato relish.I don't know what came over me.

5. Do you get ready for the day first thing in the morning?
For what? Unless I'm going somewhere,which is pretty much shopping once a week,nope, but I do get out of my PJ"s eventually.

Monday, June 6, 2011
RemeberREd-by heart

RemembeRED - By heart
I like the blog prompts, I don't always join in, preferring to read, but I'm in when there's something that catches my fancy.
There were many things I learned by heart during my childhood.
My name, I remember being very small and having to practice getting my tongue around all 3 syllables and then at school having to write it over and over again,I tried to cheat by drawing pictures instead but that got me the ruler across the knuckles,so practice I did. I hardly ever spell it wrong now.

Times tables, I still go through these in my head if I'm multiplying or dividing in my head....three times three is nine, three times four is twelve, three times five is fifteen...........seems like hours we did this for at school . We also had to have these:

The way home from school. Not as easy as it sounds if you're a follower and not attentive. I had just turned 4 and itching to go to school with the big kids. I was allowed to walk to the corner with them,some 6 houses down ,usually there were a bunch of mums chatting in their dressing gowns watching the kids walk up the hill. This day there wasn't so I followed right behind , with the bigger kids saying, "go back,you'll get into trouble", "go back you'll forget the way home". HA! I knew better....I stood my ground...."No I won't" The big kids hurried, not wanting to get into trouble for taking me to school with them. I had to just about run to keep up, which is why when we got to the top of the hill and through the laneway I forgot to notice where the laneway was to go back home. I went right into the school , then the bell went and the kids disappeared. I headed back the way I came. And wandered up and down the street, peering in backyards,front yards looking for the hill.By this time I'd forgotten there was a laneway. Finally a nice lady found me and asked me the usual questions, my name?..... I just turned 4 and there were 3 syllables in it .My mums name.......oh..easy one...mummy! What does daddy call mummy.............mummy? where do you live? over there. Do you know where you live? In a house...it's white. the number? number? My mum appears fuming up the street .I can see the steam from her ears. Oh here's your mummy . Great. She was worried/livid. But calmed down on the walk home and mum taught me where I lived and my parents names for the next few weeks.
my phone number 520-0638 can I help you?
handclapping games : When Susie was a baby, a baby Susie was she went a cry, cry, cry, cry
When Susie was a toddler, a toddler Susie was she went a scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble
When Susie was a child, a child Susie was she went a 'whyyyyyy? whyyyyyy? whyyyyy? whyyyy?'
When Susie was a teenager, a teenager Susie was she went a 'ooh, ahh, I lost my bra, I left my knickers in me boyfriend's car'
When Susie was a married, a married Susie was she went a 'aahh, unnnnggggghh, aaaahhhhh, unnnnnngggggh'
When Susie was a mother, a mother Susie was she went a bake, bake, bake, bake
When Susie was a grandma, a grandma Susie was she went a knit, knit, knit, knit
When Susie was a skeleton a skeleton Susie was she went a (silence)
When Susie was a toddler, a toddler Susie was she went a scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble
When Susie was a child, a child Susie was she went a 'whyyyyyy? whyyyyyy? whyyyyy? whyyyy?'
When Susie was a teenager, a teenager Susie was she went a 'ooh, ahh, I lost my bra, I left my knickers in me boyfriend's car'
When Susie was a married, a married Susie was she went a 'aahh, unnnnggggghh, aaaahhhhh, unnnnnngggggh'
When Susie was a mother, a mother Susie was she went a bake, bake, bake, bake
When Susie was a grandma, a grandma Susie was she went a knit, knit, knit, knit
When Susie was a skeleton a skeleton Susie was she went a (silence)
and this one
Build a bonfire, build a bonfire
Put the teachers on the top
Put the schoolbooks in the middle
And burn the bloody lot
Put the teachers on the top
Put the schoolbooks in the middle
And burn the bloody lot
this one was a skipping rope rhyme :
Miss Suzie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Suzie went to heaven
The steamboat went to...
Hello operator, please give me number 9
If you disconnect me
I'll kick your fat...
Behind the 'fridgerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Suzie sat upon it
And cut her little...
Ask me no more questions
I'll tell you no more lies
The boys are in the bathroom
Zipping up their...
Flies are in the forest
Bees are in the park
Boys and girls like kissing in the...
Dark is like a movie
a movie's like a show
a show is like a TV screen and that is all
I know I know my ma
I know I know my pa
I know I know my sister with the 80 acre alligator bra.
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Suzie went to heaven
The steamboat went to...
Hello operator, please give me number 9
If you disconnect me
I'll kick your fat...
Behind the 'fridgerator
There was a piece of glass
Miss Suzie sat upon it
And cut her little...
Ask me no more questions
I'll tell you no more lies
The boys are in the bathroom
Zipping up their...
Flies are in the forest
Bees are in the park
Boys and girls like kissing in the...
Dark is like a movie
a movie's like a show
a show is like a TV screen and that is all
I know I know my ma
I know I know my pa
I know I know my sister with the 80 acre alligator bra.
and this
Down by the river, down by the sea,
Johnny broke a bottle and blamed it on me.
I told ma, ma told pa,
Johnny got a spanking so ha ha ha.
How many spankings did Johnny get?
1, 2, 3....

Other things are indelibly learned by heart too, forgetting your lunch means hunger till you get home.Consequences, the reason I remember to pay the electricity bill so I'm not sitting in the dark.
Windfalls are precious weather they be birthday or xmas gifts or 50c given by your pop for icecream and should be treasured not expected.
Sweets are sweet!
Except coffee flavoured lollies, they are disgusting unless they have changed in flavour since the 60's but i'm not game to find out.
One thing I had to unlearn:Things stay the same. My parents lived in the same house for 33years and I lived there till I left home and married.Only one Aunt died while I was a child and nothing really changed except she wasn't there any more.So I wasn't prepared for huge life changes as I've aged,loss of family members, remarriage of a parent ,children leaving home.
I think the things we learn as children really do stay with us and for me the more things change, I hark back to that time .It's very comforting to me that other people remember too and a great thing I take pleasure in is reconnecting with my first childhood friend. We "know" who we each are, in spite of what life has thrown at us and the changes in our lives and bodies,so while so many things have changed there is something that is constant, from "before".
anyhoo I remember all of that..but...has anyone seen my glasses???
Thursday, June 2, 2011
bones of a wedding

It's starting to come together.We have the bones of a wedding.
So far organised :
The dress.Selling the first one to pay back the lady in China. It costs too much to send back so I'll sell it and paypal her back.(she's already given me a refund as she sent the wrong dress)
The new one she's chosen is totally different to the first one. I'm under threat of bodily harm if I post a pic until after the wedding,I don't have a pic,so I'm safe. Think Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford etc.
Veil, unusual and pretty suits the period theme.
Jewelry, my mum bought me pearls for my wedding, I've since lost them,so have bought her new .
The Celebrant, lovely local lady who is working with them to give them the ceremony they want.
The reception venue, the local Mechanics Institute hall built in 1890. Has a proper bar with tap and catering kitchen .
The theme: Vintage,Between the Wars, Hollywood glamour.
The colours : Ivory, Red, Black
Flowers, fresh roses for her bouquet and Aaron's lapel.I've ebayed Ivory silk rose buttonholes for the groomsman, pageboy and the Dads. Silk bouquets for the bridesmaids and a silk rose kissing ball for the flowergirl, my niece Molly.This has saved approx $300.
Flower girl dress, it needs to be dipped in tea to take the white out and a tulle underskirt to puff it out a bit.It's not your usual flowergirl dress, but again can't post photo yet.
Invitations,Gemma and Aaron's mum have made these up themselves,they are a nice personal touch.
Bridal dance song and Father daughter dance song.
Menu, done and dusted, very simple as we are doing it all ourselves, going to try the hospitality course at Tafe, see if we can get some volunteers.
cold nibbles for appetisers,so no cooking just prep work.
main meal isroast chicken, baked potatoes, peas,carrots,corn, potato bake."xmas" ham on bone and 3 different salads.bread rolls.Dessert, the wedding cake whipped cream, cheesecake and pavlova.
We will be serving as a smorgasboard.
We've started collecting serving platters and bowls. As it is a vintage theme , it doesn't matter if things don't match.
For table decor, I've started collecting small vases and wineglasses to group together with candles and water cyrstals ,flowers .diamontes etc
Tablecloths, Gem chose an ivory with black spot and striped border. Need to get red table runners.
We still have to find a garden,so we can send out the invites....
I think we've done well in a short time and so far spent approx $500. Aarons mum has bought the bridesmaid dress material and making those up as well as matching vests and ties for the men,so theres probably another $400 .
Aarons sister is giving them the wedding cake and a DJ for the reception music.
Still have to pay for food,grog, celebrant ,a vintage car, tablecloths and decorations and we're done.
approx 120 ppl invited, though suddenly they have a lot more "friends" .
We should bring it in under $2,500 all up if we stay frugal . They can still have a beautiful wedding with the things they wanted,even though they've had to compromise on a few things, it's mostly been a case of thinking outside the box and staying away from the word "wedding" printed on anything.
What planning went into your weddings?
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