
About Me

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NSW, Australia
I'm made it past 50! married for over half my life, have 3 kids all grown and I'm loving this part of my life.I was a nurse in my younger days but an unhealthy dose of rheumatoid arthritis put a damper on my career,so I'm at home with the internet.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pick me! Pick me!

oooh oooh ooh I won something!
Not sure my family would agree with the Irresistibly Sweet..........oh wait's the blog ,not me !

Thanks HEAPS to Lindylou@the gigglefest.Read Lindy's blog with a Scottish Accent, it's even funnier. Seriously Lindy has a lot on her plate but writes with humour... and a scottish accent:)

The award has a cost which is to tell you 5 guilty pleasures I enjoy and pass the award on to 3 more bloggers.......It would be easier the other way around!

5 guilty pleasures

1..all winter we were trying to use what little wood we had slowly and save my guilty pleasure for winter was .....eating, reading,blogging,watching tv all from my bed with the electric blanket on 8.

2...reading a good book from cover to cover in one sitting,only stopping to pee. houswwork smoushwork~

3... I like to play the pokies,even if its only 2 dollars , if I see a poker machine I have to put a dollar in it.

4...writing,blogging and facebook.........i should be doing housework...ahh but housework smoushwork....

5...caramello chocolate.......every now and then I can eat a whole family block of cadburys caramello chocolate.....usually with guilty pleasure #2

I'm passing my award on to these 3. It was so hard to choose.

I. It's nepotism but I'm going to choose my Tdaughter Chloe's blog @tggalaxyguide. 1 because she is gorgeous and brave.2 because it's an interesting blog with things shes learned along the way about transition and it might help others in her situation and just bring awareness.

2. nari @ narislife because I love her sense of humour. Shes very funny .

3.its a tie for 3rd. first is another funny one Ami @ami.mental and one I find inspiring as she has battled not only with a hoarding problem, 2 disabled kids and firbromyalgia but finds...wait....makes time to write an interesting blog confessionsofaclosethoarder
thanks again Lindylou xxx


  1. Congratulations on your award, yo go girlie!

    I looked at all the blogs you awarded except one, which was Ami's as the link seems to be broken. I will check back again to see if it's just my computer lol.

    Enjoy your award :)

  2. Thanks Lindy,I redid the link,it works now :)

  3. Caramello bed...reading a book...I want to move in with you.

    Pretty award too:)

  4. I love the caramello! I also loved their mint one, with the green mint cream inside. Wow. Now I want one!

  5. My gulity pleasure...

    Dove Unconditional Chocolate Ice Cream.

    I may have to send Almost Hubs out for some... Right. Now.

  6. These are good "guilty pleasures" however, at this point, I suspect that Facebook, blogging, twitter, are all ways of life now, rather than guilty pleasure...because really, would we give it up...for anything? I sometimes think I'd rather blog than eat.

  7. Congrats on your award!!

    I get distracted by the computer when I'm supposed to be doing housework too.

  8. rachele,lol my nieces came to stay,they were so bored lol hmm come to think of it ,I think I forgot to give them the chocolate :)

    portia..ooohh for minty I like aero :)

    julianna..omg that sounds nice, I don't think we have that here :(

    sandra..i live with a non facebooker/blogger,so its still a guilty pleasure for me lol I'd rather blog than eat,but somehow i manage to do both lol I can eat and smoke at the same time,but I havent mastered all 3 at once yet.

    whispering writer...thanks ! it appears in my house thats what my husband is for lol

  9. Congrats on the award, I have lots of guilty pleasures including eatting crappy food and washing it down with lots of wine.

  10. Thank you so much for the award! I will have to update my post from today because believe it or not, I received the same award from Vinny of As Vinny C's It as well.

    Thank you and since you understand my sense of humor it does seem kind of strange that either one of would receive an award that includes sweet in it.

    Congrats to you! I will read a book from start to finish as well and even take the book into the bathroom with me which makes it unreturnable "Bathroom Book"...yuck!

    Housework? Is that a real word? It sounds like two words just randomly combined. No meaning and for me, an oxymoron.


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