tough cookies = bad luck
brolly = umbrella
chook = chicken
I have chooks in my backyard, they give me an eggaday if i'm lucky
shot through = done a bunk = done the bolt = dissapeared....
thats a bit hot = thats a bit ripe = thats a bit steep = unfair or expensive
a bit more choke and you would have started = u should be flyin around the room = who let the dog in? = something crawl up there and die? =fart
carked it=died
a good few =lots
having a squizz=just looking
talking nineteen to the dozen= talks non stop
face-ache = an irritating person--------- (theres an oldy i havent heard since school in the 70's)
buckleys chance=buckleys and none=no chance whatsoever
uggh boots=sheepskin boots
rooted=just had sex or very very tired
buggered= very tired
turn it up= stop it
suck eggs = ha ha serves u right ...
mad as a hatter.......nutty as a fuitcake........bats in the belfry...sandwich short of a pcinic.......2 cents short of a dollar.......a bit thick...thick as a dunny door....thick as 2 planks...........a fruit loop......
going to rats= doing something really really fast.
bit rough around the edges........>>>>>>>>feral = a person who lives differently to the rest of us
scrubber = female of the above species
I reckon = my 2 cents worth

bloody oath=too right=i agree
Your gotta be kidding= i don't agree
he'll run rings around me= someone u cant keep up with in speed or conversation.
ohhh on ya.... sarcastic thanks NOT
Yanks and Poms= Americans and British.
had a funny chat with some girls from Canada and US yesterday and they
didn't know what a PERGOLA was. I'll clear it up for you
Pergola = outdoor entertainment area
Its basically a patio, but it can be attatched to the house or
freestanding. A patio is always attatched to the house. A patio can be
without a roof, just a concrete slab or pavers. A pergola always has a
roof of some sort ,might be just beams open to the sky, or covered with
shadecloth or might be very upmarket and have a clorbond steel roof. A
pergola is is always "open ' where a patio can be screened. LOL clear
as mud???
when i go swimming I wear my cossies if I'm in NSW and my togs if I'm in queensland
Randy=horny=feel like having sex
root=have sex
Pissed= very,very drunk..there are stages of pissed ...just pissed, heaps pissed, way pissed,paraletic pissed,passed out pissed.
If you are wondering why soembody is in a bad mood try asking them "whats up with you, you got a hair across your arse???"
to get people to go away, you can tell them to "rack off" ":get lost" piss off""f*** off" or "buggar off"
"dead set"= as a question = really? or as an answer=yep true
if you "get agro" you are really, really cranky and about to hit someone.
"going somewhere this arvo" youre going there in the afternoon
"airy fairy" nosense = talking about religion or can also be talking about someone seen to be "snobby" puting on "airs and graces" thinking a lot of themselves type of person.
"fanny" is not the bit you sit on over here, rather its the female "private parts" so when you talk about "falling on your fanny" or "sweet fanny apples" or something it makes for a "bit of a shock."
oh and we wear thongs on our feet =flip flops
g-string= thong
One time i said Hooray (goodbye cya later) in depression chat room and the person leaving got most upset, they thought I was cheering because they were leaving .....ooops
on that note I'll say hooray
ok that'll do, okey dokey, enuffs enuff,