I haven't blogged for 3 weeks!! Time flies!! They say it flies when your're having fun ,I haven't really been having fun, but I have been busy. An award will ALWAYS drag me back and Vinny from
As Vinny C's It has bestowed me an award, thanks heaps Vinny .

The Liebster blog Award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers,all in the spirit of fostering new connections.
As with all awards there are a couple of rules:
1. show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them....done
2.Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog...and they are:
I hope you all get some new readers.
Thanks again Vinny.
Now to catch up
I've had a bout of a kidney infection, it started back in July and the antibiotics didn't do the trick and it came back again, and even after a double course of antibiotics it hung on,so a different antibiotic which needed an authority script did the trick. In the midst of this I was due for my 6 monthly Humira Injection script which has strict guidlelines for medicare.One of these is that my ESR(immflamation level) be below 30. HA, try getting that down in the midst of infection and not being able to have the Humira while on antibiotics. I had to go on 25mg for 2 weeks which didn't do the trick and then 50mg of Prednisone(crtisone for those not in the know) for 2 weeeks, and so now I have the moonface. My face is ordinarily round now its rounder, I look like a big pufffball........sigh. I think I will be eating lettuce for the next 5 weeks in the runup to the wedding.
Yes 5 weeks to go....
Things are getting more organised.....I think. We have a wedding car

After lots of ringing around of car club people, we hit a winner.He had two to choose from, a grey one from the late 40's which suited the them more and this one, but who could resist RED and spoke wire wheels? Not Aaron , and he has been happy for us girls ( me, Gemma and his mum) to have what ever we want,so we let him pick,so this is the car . It's vintage , only the oldies or car buffs will know its not 40's old.
We had a huge scare regarding accommodation for our interstate people, the pub we have booked every room in has shut.After a nervous couple of days I tracked down the manager who assured me the accommodation is still being run ,its only the bar that's shut. Phew. THEN I went across to the other pub a few days ago to book an extra room there, got the owner of all 3 pubs who said they are all now backpacker accommodation and that no accommodation can be booked between the 1st october and the end of Feb ,its for the fruit pickers........WTF I already booked, "out of my hands" he said,so I ring the manager of the Royal again, No its fine she said, its booked and that's that and she's about to take the owners head off if she can find him standing still. I'm still worried, but she's assured me my people will have beds.Bloody hope so or they'll all be lined up in sleeping bags under the pool table at home!!!
I changed my mind about the dress I'm wearing ,Les didn't like the frilly bits and said it looked like a Yr 12 formal dress, so I have ordered this one..........

I will have to make a tulle petticoat to puff it out like that, but I have 300ft of it coming for the hall decorating so I think I can spare a bit.
Now I just need gloves and earrings.... and a hat or fascinator, any suggestions welcome . I have this one on layby, Gemma suggests keeping it and going with purple gloves

What do you think? does it suit the dress?
My spare room is full of wedding paraphernalia ,Danny is in for a shock when he comes home and he'll be thrown out of it on the wedding day itself,so the girls can get ready. He doesn't know this yet ...
Les has shoes for the wedding now........still have to get socks, but that's him ready now, I had to change the suit jacket for a smaller size, but weirdly the sleeves were way to long, so they are being shortened.
I ended up making the cake tops myself, I think I must have channelled my mother, as I'm not reeeally crafty. I used my old cake top from my wedding, ripped off the faded flowers and revamped it altogether and I made 2 different posies for the other 2 cakes. Its 3 heart shaped cakes on and old fashioned flip out ivory stand. They turned out lovely and the cake lady was impressed.
Next year I'm going into the bouquet business, button and brooch bouquets that is,so I am collecting buttons and brooches now.If done right they are beautiful. Something different.
I wish I could share the poster that has been painted by my amazingly talented daughter in law to be. She has painted Aaron and Gemma into a Hollywood Poster, after the wedding it will look amazing hanging in their home.It's a surprise for them though so I can't share till after the wedding.
My course info and texts came this week, I've had a browse, looks interesting, lots of stuff about mass media and various theories of how we take in info thrown at us via the various media, I'll start an assignment tomorrow.
Well that's it for now, I'll try not to be so lazy this week and post again soon. I've been so lazy I haven't even read a lot of blogs the last few weeks, so I'll get busy on that tonight and see what you all have been up to.